Find The Best Time To Post YouTube Video In 2024

Find The Best Time To Post YouTube Video

In the competitive journey of YouTube, creating high-quality content is just one piece of the puzzle. The timing of your uploads can significantly impact your video’s reach and engagement. With YouTube’s algorithm heavily favoring videos that gain quick traction, finding the best time to post YouTube video can make a substantial difference in your channel’s growth.

Understanding the best time to post YouTube video is more crucial than ever. This article will guide you through the factors that influence the perfect posting time, how to leverage YouTube Analytics for your advantage, and ultimately, how to maximize your video’s performance.

Is Time Of Posting On YouTube Important?

The timing of your YouTube uploads plays a pivotal role in how well your video performs. When you post a video at the right time, it has a better chance of appearing in your audience’s feed when they’re most active.

This increased visibility can lead to increase views, which is important for the YouTube algorithm. The algorithm tends to prioritize videos that gain momentum quickly. This means that early engagement can significantly boost your video’s ranking in search results and recommendations.

The Impact of Posting Time on Engagement

Research shows that videos posted at optimal times can experience up to 2.5 times more views within the first 24 hours compared to those posted at less opportune moments. This initial surge in views is crucial, as it signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your content is valuable and engaging, leading to increased visibility across the platform.

Viewer Habits and Time Zones

Understanding your audience’s habits is essential when determining the best time to post. Get the information about the time zones of the viewers that you want to reach. For instance, if your audience is primarily based in North America, posting during the peak hours of their time zone can lead to better engagement.

In a similar way, the kind of content you deliver might impact the most suitable posting time. For example, educational content might perform better during weekdays, while entertainment videos could see more traction during weekends.

Why Is The Perfect Time To Post On YouTube Different?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best time to post on YouTube, as it varies depending on multiple factors, including your audience demographics, content type, and even your channel’s niche.

Audience Demographics

The best time to post depends heavily on your target audience’s age, region, and lifestyle. The younger crowd may be more active in the late evenings, but professional viewers may be more engaged during midday or early in the morning. The diversity in time zones also plays a role; a global audience requires a strategic approach to posting times to ensure your content is seen by viewers in different regions.

Content Type

The type of content you produce can also influence the best time to post. For instance, gaming videos might perform better in the evenings when viewers are more likely to relax and watch longer content. On the other hand, business-related content could see higher engagement during weekday mornings when professionals are more likely to consume such content.

Channel Analytics

Every YouTube channel is distinct so what works for someone may not work for others. This is the point when YouTube Analytics come into play. By analyzing your channel’s data, you can determine when your audience is most active, which can help you tailor your posting schedule to maximize engagement.

Find Out The Best Day And Time To Post On YouTube

While the perfect time to post varies by channel, general trends can guide you. Studies and surveys from 2023 suggest certain days and times are generally more effective for posting on YouTube. Here are some of the findings:

Best Days to Post on YouTube

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: These midweek days have been found to be the best for posting content. Viewers are more likely to be active during these days as they are not yet burnt out from the week and are more likely to engage with content.
  • Saturday: For entertainment-focused channels, Saturdays are an excellent day to post, as people have more free time to watch longer videos.

Best Times to Post on YouTube

  • Early Afternoon (1 PM to 3 PM): Posting during this window ensures your video is available by the time viewers finish their work or school day and start browsing YouTube. This time frame also aligns well with the evening peak in most time zones.
  • Evenings (7 PM to 9 PM): This is when many viewers are relaxing after their day, making it the best time to post YouTube video that requires more engagement, such as live streams or in-depth videos.

Leveraging Peak Viewing Times

According to a study by HubSpot, videos posted in the early afternoon on weekends see the highest engagement rates. The study suggests that viewers are more likely to engage with content during their leisure time, which typically aligns with weekends and evenings.

Weekday vs. Weekend Posting

While weekends generally see higher engagement, especially for entertainment content, weekdays shouldn’t be ignored. Posting during weekdays, especially midweek, can help you tap into audiences looking for a break or quick entertainment during their workday. Consider experimenting with both weekday and weekend posts to see what works best for your channel.

Use Analytics To Get The Best Posting Schedule On YouTube

YouTube Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you pinpoint the best time to post your videos. By analyzing your audience’s behavior, you can tailor your posting schedule to when your viewers are most active.

Understanding YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics provides a wealth of information about your audience, including when they are most active on the platform. To find this data, navigate to the “Audience” tab in YouTube Studio. Here, you’ll find a graph that shows when your viewers are online. This information is invaluable for optimizing your posting schedule.

Steps to Use YouTube Analytics for Scheduling

  1. Access the Audience Tab: Sign in to YouTube Studio, visit the “Analytics” section, and click on the “Audience” tab. Here, you’ll see a graph that indicates when your viewers are most active during the week.
  2. Analyze the Data: Look for patterns in the data. Are there particular days when your viewers get more active?  Is there a time of day when your views tend to spike? Use this information to identify the best days and times to post.
  3. Experiment with Posting Times: Once you’ve identified potential posting times, start experimenting. Publish at different intervals and monitor the results of your videos. Use metrics like views, watch time, and engagement to gauge success.
  4. Adjust Based on Performance: After a few weeks of testing, review your analytics to see which posting times yield the best results. Adjust your schedule accordingly to maximize your video’s performance.

Case Study: The Power of Analytics

A case study by TubeBuddy showed that channels that used YouTube Analytics to determine their posting schedule saw an increase in views by up to 40%. This emphasises the necessity of using data to guide your actions rather than depending on generalized suggestions.

Tools to Enhance Your Scheduling Strategy

In addition to YouTube Analytics, several tools can help optimize your posting schedule:

  • TubeBuddy: This tool offers advanced analytics, including best time to post recommendations based on your channel’s data.
  • VidIQ: VidIQ provides insights into your audience’s activity, helping you schedule your posts for maximum engagement.

Using these tools alongside YouTube Analytics can give you a comprehensive view of your channel’s performance and help you make data-driven decisions.


Finding the best time to post YouTube videos requires a strategic approach tailored to your specific audience and content. While general trends can guide you, the key to success lies in leveraging YouTube Analytics to understand your audience’s behavior.

By posting when your viewers are most active, you can boost engagement, increase your video’s visibility, and ultimately grow your channel. Remember, the best time to post YouTube video is not static—continuously monitor your analytics and adjust your strategy as your audience evolves. With the right timing, your content can reach its full potential, ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive world of YouTube.

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